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Dec 28, 2020

Every agent needs to start somewhere, but not every agent will excel at their job. The Gatecrashers discuss how to spot which newbie agents will learn and grow and which ones will bring more harm than good to your career. 

Amanda Luedeke is literary agent and Vice President at MacGregor & Luedeke, where she has agented...

Dec 21, 2020

What's the best use of your book marketing dollars? The Gatecrashers weigh in.

Amanda Luedeke is literary agent and Vice President at MacGregor & Luedeke, where she has agented since 2009.

Charis Crowe is a marketer and freelancer who spent nearly ten years at the gates of publishing before deciding to launch her...

Dec 14, 2020

How should you market your book? The Gatecrashers discuss new and out-of-the-box book marketing ideas that you probably haven't tried yet.

Amanda Luedeke is literary agent and Vice President at MacGregor & Luedeke, where she has agented since 2009.

Charis Crowe is a marketer and freelancer who spent nearly ten years at...

Dec 7, 2020

What happens when authors or publishers get sued? The Gatecrashers discuss the various circumstances that typically surround author courtroom drama and who wins ... and who loses.

Amanda Luedeke is literary agent and Vice President at MacGregor & Luedeke, where she has agented since 2009.

Charis Crowe is a marketer and...

Nov 30, 2020

Everyone uses launch teams (or street teams) to promote their new books. And almost everyone does a poor job of managing these groups. The Gatecrashers talk about how to run a successful launch team and get the results you need.

Amanda Luedeke is literary agent and Vice President at MacGregor & Luedeke, where she has...